Firstly, credit where it is due and all that, they must have put in a lot of work to prepare for the session. Papers and proposals to be discussed and voted on related to each of the areas of the survey. It was disappointing that so few parents were actually there. If that was all of the parents in the whole school who volunteered to be there then that is a real shame.
I gather there was some confusion also as to what was expected of those attending - did they represent their classes or not? I also gather there was some confusion over the role of parent governors and were they supposed to represent anyone or not. I think there was some good discussion overall and hopefully some helpful steers to the Governors. I wonder how they will represent this information though come the full parents open evening. I hope that is better attended! Hopefully it will be well publicised.
What perhaps was more interesting were the things that were not discussed. The issue of staff and families moving on was glossed over, with a few glaring inaccuracies. The conduct of the head-teacher in particular seemed to be a no-go zone. This is a real shame as this is where the heart of the current crisis lies. If the Governors are not up for talking about this then we are stuck in a no-mans land. The school will not be able to move on and hurt and frustration will remain.
An interesting example was the discussion on making the school a friendlier and more inviting place. Lots of options were discussed, but there was no mention things like
- a head-teacher who comes out to parents after school, chats with them and is interested in them and their children
- parents being able to drop their children off in the playground
- parents being able to have brief chats easily with class teachers i.e. without having to make appointments
Surely these would be easier than some of the ideas being discussed, and they have all worked very well in the past!