Tuesday, April 3, 2007

St George or the Dragon?

Lets talk about our head teacher now, Mrs Tina Cleugh. She is a remarkable woman, as anyone who has met her will tell you, as everyone who has met her falls into one of two, very clearly divided camps: those who think she is up there with St George, and those who think she has more in common with the dragon!

To many of our Governors she remains an excellent choice of head teacher and is doing a great job. To many of the staff who have left the school and to many of the parents who have removed their children from the school she is definitely a dragon.

Dragons are also considered to be able to flatter and confuse if need be. It is my assessment that our head teacher keeps her most charming and beguiling behaviour for those whom she considers useful. If you are not useful, or more worryingly if you are an obstacle or a threat, then I fear you will feel a dragon’s wrath.

A head teacher should be concerned for the institution that is the school in their care: the teaching staff, the support staff, the pupils, the parents. I suspect that the only institution that our head teacher is really concerned for though is herself – all her actions can be measured and understood by this.

So, St George, or the Dragon? What have your experiences been? Please leave a comment so we all can know.


Anonymous said...

It is worth noting that serial bullies share many common traits with one another.
The following checklist is taken off this website: http://www.bullyonline.org/workbully/serial.htm
Its spooky reading.

"Detailed profile of the serial bully

The serial bully also:

* is selfish and acts out of self-interest, self-aggrandisement and self-preservation at all times; everything can be traced back to the self - even the seemingly innocuous "How are you today?" translates to "Is there any comeback on me as to how you're feeling today?"
* is insensitive, often callously indifferent to the needs of others, and especially when others are experiencing difficulty (vulnerability is a major stimulant to the serial bully)
* is incapable of reciprocity, ie unable and unwilling to reciprocate any positive gesture
* sees anyone attempting to be conciliatory as a sucker to be exploited
* uses criticism, humiliation, etc in the guise of addressing shortfalls in performance - in reality, these are for control and subjugation, not for performance enhancement
* appears to be intelligent but often performs poorly in academic or professional roles, despite appearances; the intelligence is focused exclusively on deviousness, cunning, scheming, manipulation, evasiveness, deceptiveness, quick-wittedness, craftiness, self-centredness, etc
* may be passive aggressive, blowing hot and cold, superficially cooperative but motivated by retribution, stubborn, uncoachable, use their intelligence to excuse and justify their behaviour, and they detest anyone more competent than themselves - which is most people
* is unable to maintain confidentiality, often breaching it with misrepresentation, distortion and fabrication
* distorts, twists, concocts and fabricates criticisms and allegations, and abuses the disciplinary procedures - again, for control and subjugation, not for performance enhancement
* uses gossip, back-stabbing or spreads rumours to undermine, discredit and isolate
* is untrustworthy and unable to trust others - this partly explains the compulsion for excessive monitoring
* is drawn to positions of power and abuses that power
* alters the employer's procedures to make it difficult or impossible for others to hold the bully accountable using those procedures
* is autocratic and dictatorial, often using phrases like "you shouldn't..." or "you ought to..."
* may appear superficially competent and professional at their job, but behind the facade is inadequate, inept, poor at their job, often incompetent; survives only by plagiarising other people's work, and being carried by those they bully
* wraps himself or herself in a flag or tradition and usurps others' objectives, thereby nurturing compliance, reverence, deference, endorsement and obeisance; however, such veneration and allegiance is divisive, being a corruption for personal power which exhibits itself through the establishment of a clique, coterie, cabal, faction, or gang
* is a divisive and disruptive influence, their departments are dysfunctional and inefficient, and their behavior prevents staff from performing their duties
* is unusually susceptible to minor slights or perceived slights and bears grudges which may be acted on years later when the transgressor can be denied promotion or downsized in the bully's "reorganisation"
* gains gratification from provoking people into emotional or irrational responses but is quick to claim provocation by others when challenged
* has a short-term focus and often cannot think or plan ahead more than 24 hours
* appears to have a short, selective memory and often cannot or will not remember what they said, did, or committed to more than 24 hours ago - but is always able to remember your faults, often from years ago
* the serial bully seems to live in a bubble of the present and when challenged will spontaneously make things up; the bully genuinely seems to believe the fabrication; from a psychiatric viewpoint this could be called confabulation; from a moral viewpoint, it's called lying
* is often like a child who has never grown up
* exhibits immature behaviour and poor manners
* has poor communication skills, poor interpersonal skills, poor social skills
* often misses social cues
* has poor language skills, and uses almost exclusively negative language with few or no positive words; is often limited to parroting fad phrases and regurgitating the latest management jargon
* has poorly-defined moral and ethical boundaries
* acts out of gratification and self-interest only, often using and hiding behind the employer
* extrovert bullies tend to be shouters and screamers, are highly visible, and bully from the front
* extrovert bullies can be charismatic and seem to be able to bewitch people into following and supporting them
* introvert bullies - the most dangerous types - tend to sit in the background and recruit others to do the bullying for them - when dealing with this type of bullying, identify the arch-bully in the background and focus single-mindedly on that person - the others will melt away
* is a killjoy, a wet blanket, is unreceptive and finds fault with or pours scorn on other people's ideas and suggestions, but may regurgitate them later claiming to be the originator
* often has a hatred of a sector of society, eg ethnic minorities, disabled people, etc
* often has a hatred of certain professional groups, eg psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counsellors, therapists
* is unimaginative and lacks the skills of creativity and innovation
* rarely has any ideas of his or her own; tends to regurgitate what others (especially superiors) say rather than use own thinking
* is a plagiarist, steals other people's work - and the credit for it
* has a writing style that is disjointed, lacks flow and consistency, tends to make contradictory statements, and has the feel of a young teenager trying to write like a grown-up (apologies to teenagers)
* often uses false praise or praise which is inappropriate to the circumstances; this is partly to make the bully feel good, partly for the benefit of witnesses, partly poor judgement, partly immaturity, and partly for control and subjugation to throw their target off guard
* is unable and unwilling to value others and their contributions and achievements; is often scornful
* shows discrepancy in valuing tasks, deliberately devaluing the work and achievements of others; when the bully does a certain job, it's onerous, difficult and the bully needs lots of recognition; when their target does the same job it's trivial, of little or no value, not worth mentioning
* is ungrateful and rarely (if ever) says "thank you" or "well done" (except, perhaps, if impressionable witnesses are present)
* is frequently sarcastic, especially in contexts where sarcasm is inappropriate and unprofessional
* is unable to assess the importance of events and tasks, often making an unnecessary fuss over trivia whilst ignoring important or urgent things
* exhibits duplicity and hypocrisy, eg says one thing one day and denies it the next
* often has an overwhelming (and unhealthy) need to feel recognised and wanted
* is fastidious, often has an unhealthy obsession with cleanliness or orderliness
* is insincere and false
* has never learnt the skills of and has little concept of empathy; may use charm and mimicry to compensate
* attempts at empathy are superficial, amateur, often inappropriate or inappropriately high, and based on mimicry rather than genuine concern - and are for the purpose of making the bully look and feel good, especially in front of witnesses
* when required to show empathy, eg someone is in distress or needs help, responds either with impatience and aggression (if no-one else is present), or with a fulsome and effusive attempt at empathy (if witnesses are present)
* is unwilling to apologise for mistakes, except occasionally when witnesses are present, then the apology is fulsome, artificial, and inappropriate - but sufficiently convincing for peers and superiors
* is quick to blame others
* is uncharacteristically fulsome and effusive, especially in front of witnesses - but hollow and insincere
* is devious and manipulative (especially female bullies)
* is spiteful and vengeful (ditto)
* uses aggression almost exclusively but claims to be assertive (assertiveness is about recognising and respecting the rights of oneself and others)
* has unpredictable mood swings, blows hot and cold, often suddenly and without warning
* is inconsistent in their judgement, often overruling, ignoring or denying what they said previously
* is inflexible and unable to evaluate options and alternatives
* is unforgiving and often seizes on and exploits others' mistakes or perceived mistakes
* is financially irresponsible and often has a bad credit rating
* has a cavalier attitude to Health and Safety
* is quick to anger and often has an unpredictable temper
* can be unpredictably and disarmingly pleasant, especially when you are unmasking them in front others - this plays on people's sympathies and is a use of guilt for manipulation and control
* is often humourless and emotionally flat; attempts at humour are often shallow and superficial
* is insecure and sees others as a threat; the threat seems to comprise a fear of exposure of inadequacy, and often borders on paranoia; the individual may have a paranoid personality
* is uncommunicative and uncooperative, and is evasive when asked for information (eg by subordinates)
* for communication, often relies excessively or exclusively on memos, emails, yellow stickies, or third parties and other strategies for avoiding face-to-face contact
* has no listening skills, ignores and overrules you; it can be like talking to a brick wall
* displays inappropriate and hostile body language
* makes inappropriate eye contact, either too little (or none at all) or too much (staring)
* often reported as having an evil stare, sometimes with eyes that appear black rather than coloured
* is unable to sustain a mature adult conversation (you may only realise this in retrospect)
* sees people as objects (in the same way that child sex abusers and rapists see their targets as objects for their gratification)
* often displays interpersonal behavior that is ill-advised, especially with a sexual overtone, eg invasion of intimate zone, gestures or comments which include inappropriate sexual references or innuendo, being inappropriately intimate with clients, being too friendly too soon, etc
* is incapable of intimacy
* lacks a conscience and shows no remorse
* displays excessive and rigid adherence to procedures, rules, regulations etc, usually as a cover for lack of creativity; their work is largely bureaucratic in nature and obedience of orders from above is a priority
* finds ritual important and comforting, and frequently indulges in ritual and ritualistic activity
* often forms or joins lots of committees to look busy and important but never achieves anything of significance or value
* when called upon to exercise judgement, relies on and insists on rigid adherence to procedures and rules (this is an abdication of responsibility and an admission of inability to manage)
* gains gratification from bullying people by imposing rules, regulations, laws etc and insisting on adherence thereto, regardless of their relevance or efficacy
* often exhibits a psychopathic personality, the main features of which are:

* an unwillingness to conform to the rules of society: thinks that rules, regulations, procedures and the law do not apply to them - but insists that others adhere rigidly
* an inability to tolerate minor frustrations
* a tendency to act impulsively, recklessly and randomly
* an inability to form stable relationships (the bully's private life is usually a mess)
* an inability or unwillingness to learn from past experience, however unpleasant - this "learning blindness" is a key feature of the serial bully and differentiates the serial bully from the unwitting bully; this inability to learn seems to be concentrated in the area of interpersonal, social, communication and behavioural skills; closer inspection suggests that the bully does learn from experience, but only how be more secretive and how to be more skilled at evading accountability

Other adjectives to describe the serial bully include cunning, conniving, scheming, calculating, cruel, sadistic, ruthless, treacherous, premeditated, exploitative, pernicious, malevolent, obnoxious, opportunist, unconcerned, etc.

The lack of interpersonal, social, and empathic skills are reminiscent of autism; the serial bully relies almost entirely on rules, procedures, aggression, denial and mimicry to hide their lack of people skills. Psychopaths and sociopaths are often excellent actors and mimics.

Most people with this profile are incompetent at their job and the bullying is intended to hide this incompetence. However, a few recent cases suggest that some serial bullies (especially the quiet ones):

* are good at carrying out rule-based or procedurally-oriented jobs which require no free thinking or imagination; these people fall down when required to step outside this role, eg dealing with people
* (especially males) excel in one area of work (usually scientific in nature) and may be regarded as the leading authority in their field but are lacking in almost every other respect, especially in interpersonal skills (this is reminiscent of savant syndrome); they also tend to be physically aggressive and may have a reputation for sexual harassment

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

a cowardly dragon
very much so

as for the school govenors
they need to open their eyes

unless they can see in the dark
like five members of staff

Friend of St Vincents said...

Questions from a friend of St Vincents

I have been involved with St Vincent’s School for many years and I am very sad that all my good memories have been tarnished by the events that have happened at the school since the beginning of the January term in 2006.
Maybe less informed parents, staff (past and present) and people in the community who are connected with the school should start asking some questions.

Re: Ofsted – Questions for Mrs Cleugh - How would she respond?

Why have you referred to St Vincent’s as a failing school?

How can a school that has constantly produced good results and is always over subscribed show up so poorly in the recent Ofsted inspection?

Why weren’t the staff supported and treated equally by you during the inspection?

Why were some members of staff setup so as to appear in a bad light in front of the inspectors?

Why did you say to an inspector, in front of a class teacher that that class was a failing class?

Do the staff feel that the conclusions in the report were a fair representation of the school?

Why did some parents and members of staff feel unable to make any comments to the inspectors, was it because of the lack of confidentiality in the school or the fear of repercussions ?

Is it true that you are an RE Ofsted Inspector yourself?

Re: Survey – Questions for Governors – How would they respond?

Why did so many parents have to sign a petition asking for a meeting with the governors in order to discuss the Ofsted report?

Why did the governors promise a meeting and then replaced it with a survey?

Who compiled the questions and why was so little time given to complete them?

Were any parents other than parent governors involved in this process?

Was the survey fair, it had two positive but only one negative box to tick?

Would this not produce an inaccurate overall picture of the true concerns of parents?

Why were there no questions concerning the Head Teachers management skills?

Who analysed the completed surveys, was it an independent body?

Is it the case that completed surveys were left where they could be seen by members of staff?

Do you think that parents are confident in the way that you as governors have dealt with concerns raised in the survey?

Do the governors think they have listened and acted appropriately to these concerns?

Do the governors think that they have acted in the best interests of the school?

The following extracts have been taken from the Diocese of Westminster’s website complaints procedure page. www.rcdow.org.uk/education

‘No-one likes criticism but an open organisation will always be willing to listen to concerns and anxieties and be ready to learn from them if appropriate.
‘In a Catholic school, parental concerns are of particular importance. As the first educators of their children, parents have a duty to take an active interest in their school.’
‘To this end, “there must be the closest co-operation between parents and the teachers to whom they entrust their children to be educated. In fulfilling their task, teachers are to collaborate closely with the parents and willingly listen to them.”
‘In a Catholic School, therefore, dealing with parental concerns will be an intrinsic part of the school’s ethos and mission. In addition, terms of reference for governing bodies now include the legal obligation to “be open about the decisions they make and the actions they take and in particular…….to explain their decisions and actions to interested parties”.

‘Thus a climate of openness and partnership is essential.’

What has happened to the climate of openness and partnership at St Vincent’s? I look forward to your comments.

very concerned said...

This is very serious something has to be done. The children and Staff are all at risk!!! How did this head get a job at St.Vincents? All I can think of is that Divine intervention is at play, may be this will be the school that will expose her for who and what she really is, and by doing so will save any other school from going through the same bulling.

I hear people go to loudres to be healed, very strange Mrs. C went there and fell and received two black eyes!!!

Divine intervention

northbankbren said...

Being an ex-student of the school I stumbled across this site and to be honest, I was quite shocked that you have to air your grievances in cyber space. This does not seem to be about the students of the school, rather more a personal vendetta against the head. I am amazed that most of the comments are anonymous as would it not be more appropriate to discuss your differences, in person, with the head rather than start a hate campaign. I am 24 years old and can’t tell who the children are. You’re supposed to be running a school not a soap opera. It's about the children not you, so come together and sort your differences like adults.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a one-sided unchristian character assassination to me. Shame on you

Anonymous said...

The George and the dragon comparison article is so clearly written by someone who knows this lady only too well! Whilst our experiences of T.C. were a number of years ago the scars are still very evident. We find the ghost of this lady keeps returning to rekindle memories of horror. The enormouse relief that she is no longer here to continue her reign of terror cannot be underestimated. She is indeed a very clever lady who carefully goes to great lengths to win favour with those in high places. She both uses and abuses. Unfortunately she covers her tracks well, ensuring legal aspects are covered by fair means or foul. We had hoped that after leaving us she would 'learn something' or 'her mental health' would get better. Whilst she clearly needs help I do know your need is by far the greater at this point in time. All I can say to you unfortunate people at St Vincents is that yes there are others out here who do really understand, who do really know what you are going through. It really does have to be experienced to be fully understood! There will be a life after T.C. but only unfortunately when she moves onto her next unfortunate victims. I wish you the best of luck in overturning and 'slaying the dragon!' May she come to self relisation and begin to recognise that she does need psychological help.

Anonymous said...

I worked with Mrs Cleugh on the Wirral( Shrewsbury Diocese) and I can only say that I agree wholeheartedly with the majority of your bloggers.A most charming and caring woman, if you were regarded as one able to render some service or help her on her quest for self aggrandissement; otherwise you were either ignored, shouted at or indeed became a victim of a campaign to have you removed by unfair methods, allowing no quarter for redress. Both the LA and the Diocese turned a blind eye to the bullying that was perpetrated by her.