Monday, April 23, 2007

Summer Term has come...

Google has now found this blog! Hopefully that means a few more people will find it too. We have even had contact from one reader in Australia! I will also try and post a little more regularly, especially after the holiday silence. Please feel very free to add a comment or email me.

Summer term has come, the weather is great and don't the children look wonderful in their summer unforms. Sadly the atmosphere in the school remains somewhat tense and frosty.

One family has not returned this term though. Three Polish children are no longer at the school but have gone elsewhere. Apparently they were not happy with how the head-teacher was treating their children and have voted with their feet. Rumour has it that someone has been putting it around the staff room that they have moved house and thats why they have gone - now why would they say that?


very concerned said...

This is very serious something has to be done. The children and Staff are all at risk!!! How did this head get a job at St.Vincents? All I can think of is that Divine intervention is at play, may be this will be the school that will expose her for who and what she really is, and by doing so will save any other school from going through the same bulling.

I hear people go to loudres to be healed, very strange Mrs. C went there and fell and received two black eyes!!!

Divine intervention

Anonymous said...

Did she really get 2 black eyes??!! Now I know that this is not very Christian of me but that does tickle me!! Don't worry I shall go straight to confession and say a whole handful of Hail Marys!!

On a more serious note I have been praying for the whole St Vincent's community since leaving there last summer. I have stayed in touch with many people at St Vincents and am horrified at what has been going on. I suffered a fair bit at the hands of Mrs C and even made an informal grievance case against her. She accepted that she had done wrong and apologised at the time (most impressively without actually saying the word 'sorry'), yet amazingly went on to continue, with more energy than before, to bully me the very next day!

I am happy to report that my life is so much more relaxed and happy without her in it anymore and hope and pray that she will leave the school community in due course. I would love, more than anything else, to visit the St Vincents I fell in love with when I first started working there, but until she has gone its blatantly clear that that will be imposible.
Good luck all of you!!

Anonymous said...

PS Has anyone else noticed how the school hasn't been updates since Mr Murphy's days? Now that will take you back eh?

Anonymous said...

Sorry- was meant to say...

PS Has anyone else noticed how the school website hasn't been updated since Mr Murphy's days? Now that will take you back eh?

Teach me to use Preview!!

Anonymous said...

A quick response to a few things following yesterday evenings meeting of the parent representatives and the governors. Yes, it was said that all the families who withdrew their children recently have done so due to a move out of the area. Clearly, this is incorrect.

Also, it seems that the website is being redesigned. It is taking a very long time as those photos on the current site are at least 2 years out of date.

Anonymous said...

just had a look at the web site
why are the school govenors names
not listed maybe a photo also.
We seem to have a new chair of
govenors Mr M Pittendreigh he
seems to be running things very well

Anonymous said...

Just for the record
We withdrew our daughter from St. Vincent's school because
we no longer respect the school management. Bullying, rudeness and general lack of positive regard for teachers, pupils and parents from people that call themselves Christians is not a place for us. We are still living in Acton.

Anonymous said...

Replying to the last comment, did you put your reasons for withdrawing your daughter in writing to the Ealing LEA, the Diocese, etc.? Apparently, they aren't aware of your circumstances.

I am aware of additional parents who are withdrawing their children after this term. I have asked that they please put their reasons in writing so that they are on record.

Anonymous said...

Re withdrawing daughter:
I wrote to the Governors and I am now writing to everyone else who might be involved on any level.
However I feel its a case of banging head against brick wall! The whole experience has become intensely irritating. The majority of the school community appear to be accepting of the school, the head and the atmosphere (which I imagine is similar to East Berlin before reunification). Luckily it was not necessary for my daughter to be smuggled out in a shopping basket. This said the passive community are often keen to hear about other people's dramas but until they have one of their own are not actually all that bothered and so it goes on.

Anonymous said...

In putting my name to this I am trying to say that I have nothing to hide and lots to ask. Reading the comments about the meeting governors had with parents on 26.04.2007, I would like to add the following; I was at that meeting as a parent rep for Yr 3. In many respects I thought the meeting was positive. The suggestions put forward were largely positive and debate was very civilised. Someone has mentioned that the parental community at the school is 'passive', a comment that resonates loudly with me. As long as you are not in the frame everything is alright. That's morally unjustifiable. The problem the governors face, I suppose, is that however keen they are to 'move forwards' they may find it difficult to do so without looking backwards. One parent pointed this out at the meeting. My appeal to you, governors, is therefore that you listen to the concerns people have about the past so that we can all move forward. People, I suspect, will only come forward if you can assure total confidentiality and assurance that none of what is said will be passed on to head teacher, diocese, LEA. Have you considered an independent inquiry and /or an ombudsman and/or intervention on request by ACAS?

Anonymous said...

Very well said Mercy! I think though that "passive" is maybe a bit unfair; parents of each class and indeed each child will have had very different experiences during their time at the school, both good and bad. Those newer to the school will have little to compare.With children at both "ends" of the school, my personal experience is that the majority of parents from all backgrounds are very concerned, particularly with the very high turnover of staff. That said, we still have something to celebrate in the continued devotion of our remaining and new staff to the welfare of our children and the committment of many parents, governors etc who together work tirelessly to enhance the school. We must all find some way of actively facing the very real threat to our community and moving forwards in a constructive way.

Anonymous said...

What did Mrs Cleugh do to the 3 polish children?