Sunday, July 29, 2007
The School Governors
We believe the list below comprises all of the current governors. These are the people responsible for the wellbeing of the schoool. It was the governors who employed Mrs Cleugh.
Any parent with concerns about issues at the school should, as a first port of call, contact the chair of governors, Anne Blyth. It is strongly advised that any such concerns should also be copied to the LEA and the MP, Andrew Slaughter.
Who are St Vincent’s School Governors and are they fulfilling their role?
Head Teacher - Mrs C Cleugh
Chair of Governors - Anne Blyth - parent
Role of the Chairman of Governors
"Effective governing bodies are models of good team spirit and sound leadership. The Chairman has a vital role in ensuring that the governors share with staff and parents the school’s aims and objectives and that these are at the forefront of all they undertake".
Clerk to Governors - Not known – Mrs M O’Sullivan resigned ?
Inclusion Governor - Pat McNair - former parent
Ealing Council - Cllr J Randall
Foundation Governors
Fr John Wiley – parish priest, Holy Family Parish
Mrs M Bull – grand children in the school
Ms S Dunne - parent
Mr S Currie - parent
Mr J Perriera - parent
Role of the Foundation Governor
"Voluntary service as a governor is an important share in the Church’s ministry in education and requires genuine interest in the school, its pupils, staff and parents and a commitment to promoting its well-being"
Parent Governors
Mr A Byrne - parent
Dr G O’Brien – parent
Mrs A Gorton – withdrew child from the school Dec 2006, RESIGNED June 2007
Role of the elected Parent Governor
"iii. a concern for the whole school and its role in the parish and local community
vi. willingness to be a good team member, working harmoniously with fellow governors and school staff.
vii. an ability to maintain confidentiality in many areas of governor’s work".
Staff Governors
Teacher - Sr Pat Armato
Support Staff - Mrs A Melham - former parent, RESIGNED May 2007, L.S.A.(SEN) resigned post July 2007
School Governor Vacancies
Governor - Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Parent Governor
Staff Governor
Clerk to Governors?
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Cardinal letter follow up...
Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor
Bishop George Stack, Chair of the Diocesan Education Committee
Paul Barber, Director of Education, Diocesan Schools’ Commissioner
Ann Blyth, Chair of Governors, St Vincent’s School Acton
Governing Body St Vincent’s School Acton
Cc Rachel Black, Director of Education, Ealing LEA
Cc Andrew Slaughter, MP for Ealing, Acton and Shepherd’s Bush
Cc John Randall, MP for Hillingdon
5 July 2007
Your Eminence, Your Grace, Sirs and Ladies,
By now you will all, hopefully, have had an opportunity to reflect on the letter dated 25 June 2007 concerning Mrs Cleugh and her tenure as head teacher at the three primary schools, St Joseph’s, St Mary’s and St Vincent’s.
The accompanying Appendices should have come as no surprise to some of you, but perhaps for others this was the first time you gained an insight into the extent of the devastation wrought. It makes stunning reading indeed.
To those of you representing the Diocese of Westminster, we hope you are asking yourself why you ignored cries for help from so many levels over the years? Why did you ignore pleas from a parish priest, staff, parents, Members of Parliament and union representatives?
To those of you holding seats on the Board of Governors at St Vincent’s, we hope you are asking yourself whether you have been misled by the diocese and Mrs Cleugh and whether you are still able to support the leadership of Mrs Cleugh now you have been made aware of some of the complaints brought against her?
You have collectively failed in your responsibilities as employers of staff and carers of children by allowing a culture of bullying and harassment to spring up and flourish under Mrs Cleugh’s leadership at St Vincent’s. It appears you have failed the people you are committed to protect, i.e staff and children.No doubt you are aware that under ‘the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974’ (specifically Clause 2 ‘General Duties of Employers to their Employees’), as well as ‘Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999’(specifically
points 1-10 and 15) provisions have been made to avoid and safeguard against such practices in the workplace. Please read the attached Appendix for an insight into the situation at St Vincent’s, which focuses in particular on the emotional havoc wreaked by Mrs Cleugh’s bullying, and on the tarnish to the reputation of Catholic education.
We, therefore, ask you again to take the following actions:
- The immediate suspension of Mrs Cleugh from the school pending a full inquiry into the many issues that have been raised by her conduct concluding in a full and detailed response.
- The use of psychometric evaluations, rigorous checking of references, and fuller background checks on all management appointments to schools in the Diocese of Westminster to ensure that bullying behaviour such as that shown by Mrs Christina Cleugh is never inflicted on a Catholic school community again.
- The governors of St Vincent’s School should seriously consider their positions given their collective failure to address this problem.
If it is your intention not to respond to either this letter or the letter dated 25 June, both of which are (regrettably) anonymous, we would consider it gracious of you to at least inform us. No response from you at all would mean that the only option left to us will be to make our case public.Please respond to these requests by Friday 13th July to [removed by the editor].
Yours sincerely,
Very concerned members of the Community of St Vincent’s School.
Additional material that accompanied this letter has been added as comments.
Indeed we are not alone...
It was cut and pasted onto the end of the long "book saga" dialogue, so some of you may miss it, but we believe it is important enough that it gets headline billing for today.
You're not alone at St. Vincents.The new Head at Oaklands in Hanwell, Miss Michelle Moore, appointed at Easter 2007, is a complete disaster.She has sworn at staff, belittled them, and intimidated them. There is an atmosphere of fear, and staff are completely demoralised.DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YET ANOTHER SCHOOL.SUPPORT THE ACTION!43 members of staff-both teaching and non-teaching-have signed a letter of no co-confidence in the new Head, and the unions have been called in.How does the LEA respond?Of course, the easy answer- staff must be picking on poor Miss Moore!All of us - concerned members of staff and parents- must unite and fight this new-style management, which seems to have official approval.
If this person wants to contact us, because indeed we are stronger when we are united, then please come back to this Blog.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
What's happening to the children's school work books this year?
This may not be the case, but all parents are strongly advised to ask class teachers for their children's work books if you want to see them.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
St Vincent's Timeline Part II
Time line of some of the issues and correspondence since Mrs Cleugh was appointed Head Teacher at St Vincent’s in Acton in Jan 2006
Jan 07 After 3 Terms of Mrs Cleugh taking up her Headship at the school 20 members of staff had left. The majority left for reasons which were directly connected with Mrs Cleugh and her management style.
Jan 10th Letter from parents to Chair of Governors concerning survey and Freedom of Information Act. cc Diocese
Jan 15th Letter from parents to Governors giving their reasons for withdrawing their child from the school. ‘Our previous experience of St Vincent’s up until the last two terms has been wonderful. We accept that sometimes one has to endure change for the good but we struggled to see the positive and we know we are not the only ones.’
Jan 17th Statement from former employee giving reasons for leaving.
Jan 18th Letter from Chair of Governors to parent concerning survey.
Feb 07 Statement from former employee giving details of Mrs Cleugh’s relentless harassment of some members of staff. ‘If this is the calibre of head teacher promoted by the diocese then they are promoting a culture of bullying.’
Feb 07 Statement from former employee concerning treatment by Mrs Cleugh and treatment of other members of staff and lack of care for children in the school.
Feb 3rd Letter from present and past parents to Bishop Alan Hopes asking for help. ‘Please understand it is because we care deeply about the school, our children and our fellow parishioners that we are here. We are frustrated and upset because the culture of the school has changed and we believe it has the potential to be damaging not only to individuals and children but to the wider parish community.’
Feb 7th Email sent to Inclusion Governor concerning unfair treatment of a PFA member at a meeting and raising serious concerns about treatment of children and special needs provision in the school. There was no response from the Governor concerning the issues raised.
Feb 9th Statement from Governor giving reasons for withdrawing child from school. ‘Unfortunately I felt I had no choice but to move her as a once happy child had become depressed and stressed.’
Feb 15th Letter from Chair of Governors to all parents concerning response to survey.
Feb 16th Statement from NUT concerning industrial relations at St Vincent’s ‘I can only conclude with my professional opinion that two of the key ingredients of a good school are stability and continuity of staffing, alongside a truly co-operative team ethic from top to bottom of the team. Both of these have now gone from St Vincent’s, which can only impact in the longer-term achievement of its students’.
Feb 19th Statement and diary of events from a Teacher concerning treatment by Mrs Cleugh and her management style. ‘My time at St Vincent’s after Mrs Cleughs appointment was, however characterised by the lack of constructive engagement between management and staff.’
Feb 20th A letter from a former employee concerning their experience at St Vincent’s as a member of staff referring to breaches of protocol.
Feb 22nd Statement from parent concerning ‘degree of unrest that appears to be present amongst the teaching staff, and also spilling over into the wider Parish community’.
Feb 22nd Statement from parent to support former employee.
Feb 24th Letter from parents to Chair of Governors concerning lack of care of a member of staff. cc Diocese, LEA, Unison
Mar 7th Letter from parent concerning loss of senior teachers and management style of Mrs Cleugh.
Mar 9th Letter from parents to Chair of Governors stating that their concerns remained and are getting worse. cc Bishop Stack, Diocese, LEA
Mar 11th Letter from parents to Diocese about their concerns not being addressed. cc Chair of Governors, Parish priest
Mar 14th Letter from Diocese to parents in response to letter dated March 11th.
April 07 3 children were withdrawn from the school after an incident with Mrs Cleugh which has not been resolved.
May 2nd Letter from Bishop Stack to all parents ‘I ask you to support the governors who work tirelessly and with dedication for the good of the school, and back the head teacher in her efforts to improve the school’. This letter also stated that ‘Prior to last year’s OFSTED inspection the diocese and LEA had concerns about the quality of education at the school; this was partly due to the fact that the school had experienced several different headteachers in a short space of time.’ This statement is at odds with evidence about the school.
Over the last 8 years St Vincent’s has had 3 Head Teachers. Mrs Govern April 1999 – April 2004, Mr Murphy Sept 2004 – Sept 2005 and Mrs Cleugh Jan 2005 – to date. St Vincent’s has had consistently good SATS results over recent years and in 2005 was top of the league tables in the borough of Ealing.
May 07 A Governor resigned.
May 10th The parents Open Meeting was attend by Mrs Cleugh, the staff, Governors and Mr Pittendreigh from the Diocese. An ex- parent was asked to leave the meeting after it was brought to the attention of the Chair of Governors by Mrs Cleugh that he was present (This was witnessed by many parents). At this meeting Mrs Cleugh stated that the school web site was locked. This has since been found to be untrue.
May 14th Letter to Chair of Governors from ex-parent who was asked to leave the meeting on 10th May requesting an open meeting with the Governors for ex-parents and former
employees. cc Diocese, LEA, M.P., The Children’s Commissioner for England, The Secretary of state for Education.
May 07 Statement from former employee concerning unfair treatment of staff by Mrs Cleugh.
May 07 A delegation from St Vincent’s and St Mary’s communities had a meeting with the local M.P. Mr Andrew Slaughter to present facts and ask for support regarding the serious concerns relating to the management and treatment of staff, parents and children in all three schools that Mrs Cleugh has been involved with.
June 1st Follow up letter to M.P. Mr Andrew Slaughter ‘We have suggested that anyone who has been affected or have concerns regarding Mrs Cleugh should contact you in confidence, in order to build a file which could be used for an independent inquiry into the running of these three schools’.
June 07 Another Governor resigned.
June 07 Statement from former teacher concerning lack of care for special needs child who is no longer in the school. ‘In my opinion, she did not act in the best interest of _______ or the other children in my class.’
July 07 A delegation from St Vincent’s and St Mary’s communities had a second meeting with M.P. Andrew Slaughter to update him and ask him to investigate the highly unusual catalogue of events that has happened in both communities.
July 07 An article appeared in the local newspaper the ‘Ealing Times’. ‘Parents protest online about ‘climate of fear’.’
July 07 11 more members of staff will have left between January 07 and July 07 – Deputy Head, Year 1 Teacher, Year 2 Teacher, Year 3 Teacher, Year 4 Teacher, SEN Teacher, French Teacher, P.E. Teacher, 2 Classroom Assistants, Special Needs Assistant.
July 07 After 5 Terms of Mrs Cleugh taking up her Headship at the school 30 members of staff will have left. The majority have left for reasons which are directly connected with Mrs Cleugh and her management style.
By now most of the original Teaching Staff, many of whom are part of the community, have either left or are leaving the school. Two Governors have resigned so far.
The Governors, Chair of Governors, LEA, The Diocese, Local MP, Children’s Commissioner for England and Secretary of State for Education are all aware of the cries of help from people in the community of Acton.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Acton Timeline
Time line of some of the issues and correspondence since Mrs Cleugh was appointed Head Teacher at St Vincent’s in Acton in Jan 2006
Between Feb 2006 and July 2006 there was ongoing NUT (National Union of Teachers) involvement regarding the management style and treatment of staff by Mrs Cleugh. Many members of staff were distressed, tearful and isolated by the ‘divide and rule’ management style of Mrs Cleugh.
Feb 06 A member of staff involved the union regarding a threat of resignation from Mrs Cleugh.
Feb 06 The first member of staff to leave was an SMSA who had a child in Year 6 at St Mary’s Hillingdon, Mrs Cleugh’s previous school.
Between March 2006 and July 2006 at least 3 members of staff were off work with stress related illness. Members of staff sought help from the Governors on numerous occasions regarding the inappropriate management style of Mrs Cleugh. This was ongoing until July when 12 members of staff left. Many of the staff felt they had no option but to leave because of the intolerable working conditions and actions taken by Mrs Cleugh since her arrival in January.
April 06 The French Teacher resigned shortly after her first meeting with Mrs Cleugh in February.
April 4th Resignation letter from French Teacher to Chair of Governors raising serious concerns about the unrealistic demands that were placed on the staff. This Letter was not distributed to all Governors, as verified by another Governor in June 2006.
Easter A Year 4 Teacher resigned due to a visa problem. She was escorted out of the building by Mrs Cleugh 15 minutes before lunchtime. She was not allowed to say good bye to her class or other members of staff. She was not given the chance to explain her real reasons for leaving and was forced to lie to the children in the class and say she was unwell and had to go home.
May 25th Resignation letter from Teacher to Chair of Governors concerning constructive dismissal.
July 06 Mrs Cleugh’s confidential P.A. off sick due to stress related illness.
July 5th Letter from parent to Mrs Cleugh concerning treatment of Special Needs child.
July 18th Letter from parent to Teacher (who was leaving) expressing thanks and support and sadness at the school losing such an experienced teacher. cc Mrs Cleugh, Chair of Governors, All other Governors (sent to home addresses as not confident that Chair of Governors would pass the letter on to the other Governors).
July 18th Letter from parents to Mrs Cleugh concerning additional funding not being used for Special Needs child. ‘As parents we have had to fight continuously for support for ----------- and are very unhappy to say that we have lost confidence in the school to provide the care and support that our child needs.’ cc Chair of Governors, Inclusion Governor
July 06 Letter from parent to Chair of Governors concerning known departure of experienced teacher.
July 06 Three Senior Teachers that had resigned requested exit meetings with Governors to inform them of their reason’s for leaving. At the exit meetings three Governors were present (Mrs Cleugh was in the adjoining room). The disclosures were not passed on to other Governors.
July 06 12 members of staff left – 2 Reception Teachers (1 on maternity leave), Year 2 Teacher, 2 Year 4 Teachers, 2 Year 5 Teachers, Teacher SENCO, Teacher Special Needs, SMSA, 2 Admin Assistants.
July 27th Letter from former employee to Chair of Governors concerning treatment as an employee.
July 29th Letter from former employee to Chair of Governors concerning response to letter dated 11th July. ‘I do not feel that I have been fairly or kindly treated by the Governing Body in this matter’.
Sept 06 After 2 Terms of Mrs Cleugh taking up her Headship at the school 14 members of staff had left. The majority left for reasons which were directly connected with Mrs Cleugh.
No members of staff continued working in Catholic Education.
Oct 06 A member of staff issued a Formal Grievance against the Head Teacher Mrs Cleugh. This process took 9 months to complete.
Nov 28th Letter from parent to Mrs Cleugh concerning lack of communication from the school regarding the reorganisation of the classes.
Nov 06 A Petition was signed by over fifty parents (at least 1/3 of all the families) requesting a meeting with the Governors to discus issues that were raised in the recent OFSTED report.
Dec 06 In response to the petition the Governors proposed a meeting on 30th January to discuss the OFSTED report.
Dec 13th Letter from Chair of Governors to all parents cancelling the proposed meeting with the Governors in January (This was based on advice by the Diocese and LEA) and instead proposing to carry out a survey to seek parent’s views.
Dec 17th Letter from parents to Mrs Cleugh concerning continued lack of communication from the school.
Dec 06 6 members of staff left - Year 1 Teacher, Year 4 Teacher, Year 5 Teacher, Classroom Assistant, Special Needs Assistant, SMSA.
Jan 07 After 3 Terms of Mrs Cleugh taking up her Headship at the school 20 members of staff had left. The majority left for reasons which were directly connected with Mrs Cleugh and her management style.
The second part of this timeline will follow shortly.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
The HIllingdon Timeline.... continued
Jan 03 After 3 Terms of Mrs Cleugh taking up her Headship at the school 14 members of staff had left. The majority left for reasons which were directly connected with Mrs Cleugh.
Jan 6th Letter to M.P. outlining the lack of confidence and response by Governors, LEA and Diocese.
Jan 13th Letter to Director of Education acknowledging receipt of letter dated 23rd Dec.
Jan 22nd Letter from M.P. concerning visit to St Mary’s.
Feb 03 2 members of staff left – Receptionist, Cleaner.
Apr 03 2 member of staff left - BOTH Nursery Teachers.
July03 5 members of staff left - Deputy Head Teacher, Year 3 Teacher, Year3/4 Teacher. P/T Special Needs Teacher, P/T NNEB Reception.
July 17th Letter from parent to M.P. - Serious concerns about child’s Special Needs provision in school.
July 21st Letter from Director of Education Hillingdon to Teacher referring to letter he received dated June 16th
Sep 03 1 member of staff left – Secretary.
Sept 03 After 5 Terms of Mrs Cleugh taking up her Headship at the school 24 members of staff had left. The majority left for reasons which were directly connected with Mrs Cleugh.
Oct 03 Letter from parent to Mrs Cleugh giving reasons for withdrawing child from school which includes bullying both staff and parents.
Oct 13th Letter from parent to OFSTED requesting an inspector to uncover how Special Needs Children are treated.
Oct 16th letter from Governor listing questions he has been asked to raise at the Annual Parents Meeting in Nov 03.
Nov 18th Letter from former employee to M. P. raising more serious issues - has withdrawn their child from the school.
Nov 19th Letter from former employee to M. P. concerns for staff and Special Needs Children in the school.
Nov 19th Letter from former employee and parent to M.P. ‘ Our health, families and careers were being affected by her constant bulling and harassing tactics on a daily basis.’
Nov 24th Letter from former employee (Teacher) to M.P. expressing concerns about Mrs Cleugh.
Nov 24th Letter from former employee (Teacher) to M.P. stating concerns that ‘no one else suffers the trauma that colleagues have at St. Mary’s’.
Nov 02 Statement from Teacher - Grave concerns - ‘I heard Mrs Cleugh verbally abuse a child’, ‘I would not feel happy leaving any child in the care of Mrs Cleugh.’
Dec 10th Letter from M.P. to parent stating that he had spoken to Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor on a one-to-one basis and was referred to Bishop Stack. A meeting was held with him and representatives of Diocese.
Feb 10th Letter from parents to OFSTED - written on behalf of and with support from parents and staff requesting urgent help. ‘Many teachers have confirmed that she singles out children who’s parents have complained, threatening that they will get into more trouble if they tell their parents.’
Feb/Mar 04 Letter from parents and former employees to Director of Education Hillingdon outlining Mrs Cleugh’s regime at St Mary’s since 2002 – at present time several petitions were circulating the school for various reasons.
1. A Vote of No Confidence in Mrs Cleugh.
2. A Petition signed by ex-parents who felt they had no choice but to take their children out of St Mary’s because of Mrs Cleugh.
3. A Letter signed by all year 5 parents (except 3) requesting a meeting with Mrs Cleugh for an explanation as to why a teacher had resigned.
4. Over 15 ex members of staff signed a petition stating that ‘in our opinion we had no choice but to resign our positions due to the intolerable regime inflicted by Mrs CL Cleugh’.
March 9th Letter from parents to E. Strevens - Formal complaint and removal of their special needs child from the school.
By now ALL OF THE ORIGINAL TEACHING STAFF, many of whom were part of the community, had left the school. A number of Governors came and went during this time including THREE Chair of Governors.
Parents would now have no idea of what was really going on in the school.
The Governors, LEA, The Diocese, OFSTED, Local MP and Secretary of State for Education, were all aware of the cries of help from the people in the community of Hillingdon.
A timeline showing the events at St Vincent's will follow shortly...................
Welcome any readers from outside the St Vincent's community
First, St V has been a successful school over the years, with a relatively stable Headship: Mr Gallagher for 13 years, left 1999. Mrs Govan from 1999 to 2004 she is now a Diocesan advisor; one term of acting head from within the school community, Mr Murphy for a year 2004-5 yes we were surprised that he went after a year, he was popular with both staff and parents and instigated some positive changes. One term of an interim head, the lovely Mr Maloney (he was always supposed to be an interm while Mrs C joined us) that was Sept 2005. Then Mrs Cleugh joined us in Jan 2006. So it is inaccurate to say that there were "4 heads in 4 years" . In all this time a relatively stable set of teaching staff - good mix of experienced and new teachers - no walk outs under Mrs Govan or Mr Murphy.
Secondly the school has a good "added value" index - above average for the area. So the myth that the lower school underperforms and is pulled up by its bootstraps by a couple of good years in KS2 is just that - a myth. All schools can do with some improvement, but St V did not need some kind of draconian clean sweep of mediocre and complacent teachers. And yes the KS2 results are v good indeed - top 10% in London I believe. St V pupils go to some v good secondary schools -Oratory, Gunnersbury, Vaughan, Sacred Heart, Cardinal Wiseman , St Marks etc etc.
Thirdly there is no "grand plan" that has been instigated by the Head or the Governors - indeed the Governors are mainly characterised by their silence - there are a few initiatives which are welcome, but nothing that would indicate a Head given the brief of turning round a mediocre school - do you think parents would not welcome a new Head with fresh ideas for improving their childrens' education? Most of the new teachers are NVQs - lovely to see some new blood, but I am not sure the ideal choice for turning round a failing school, or a failing lower school.
Fourthly, maybe St V parents would have knuckled under and accepted the regime of Mrs C IF they had not been aware of EXACTLY the same story happening before at St Mary's in Hillingdon. How can two schools experience the same catalogue of bullying both staff and parents without casting an eye on the perpetrator? At St M it got as far as the MP having a meeting with Cardinal Murphy O'Connor - I cannot imagine these two men bothering with a few wingeing parents and mediocre teachers...
Fifthly imagine the horror from both St V and St M communities to know that Mrs C's first headship, in the Wirral, had a similar story?
Lastly, around 20 members of staff had left in the first three terms of Mrs C joining, BEFORE this Blog was started. The inverse is true - the Blog was started because parents were so alarmed by the haemorrhaging of staff.
We have all heard of or seen heads sent in to sort out failing schools - The chap at Pheonix, the school in North Kensington where Mr Laurence was stabbed, Paul Patrick at Cardinal Wiseman. They are all visionary people, energising, leaders, who get their teachers and parents behind them and share a common goal for improving the school. Mrs C is not like this. The whole atmoshphere of the school is competely changed for the worse. You have to experience it to know what is going on.
So thank you for visiting the site and we hope that you wish us well.
Yours sincerely,
Concerned Members of the St Vincents Community
Saturday, July 14, 2007
The Hillingdon Timeline
In any other environment there would be an outcry. Sadly the reality is that Mrs Cleugh appears to be answerable to nobody, whilst the lives and wellbeing of good, decent people are thrown into disarray. The effects of these actions also have profound effects on the children involved.
Read the list and draw your own conclusions.
The St Vincent’s Timeline will follow shortly.
Time line of some of the issues and correspondence since Mrs Cleugh was appointed Head Teacher at St Mary’s in Hillingdon in Jan 2002
Jan 02 The first member of staff resigned - Special Needs Assistant.
Feb 02 The second member of staff left - P/T Classroom Assistant who was also a Parent Governor.
Feb 8th Letter from Special Needs Assistant to Mrs Cleugh concerning Special Needs children & their provision in the school.
Feb 13th Account from two Special Needs Assistants concerning treatment by Mrs Cleugh.
Feb 27th Account from two Special Needs Assistants concerning treatment by Deputy Head.
Mar 02 Governors called a meeting for all staff to the hear concerns and evidence concerning Mrs Cleugh and her management style.
Mar 02 3 members of staff left – ALL Special Needs Assistants.
Mar 8th Resignation letter to Chair of Governors from special needs Assistant ‘I have been signed off by my G.P. with nervous exhaustion.’ cc Mrs Cleugh, GMB Union
Mar 22nd Letter from a Special Needs Assistant to Chair of Governors concerning Special Needs children & their provision in school. cc GMB Union
Mar 22nd Letter from GMB to Chair of Governors concerning unrest in school since the arrival of Mrs Cleugh.
Mar 22nd Letter from a Special Needs Assistant to Chair of Governors concerning bullying of staff by Mrs Cleugh.’ ‘In my opinion staff are so demoralised but are scared of being found talking to one another as further bullying is likely to occur as a result, so whispering in the corners has become commonplace.’ cc GMB Union
April 02 Diocese called a meeting for staff.
May 24th Letter from GMB Union to Chair of Governors concerning P.A’s reasons for leaving. cc Personnel Services to Schools (Hillingdon), Diocese Westminster
May 31st Letter from P.A. to GMB asking for legal advice concerning constructive dismissal.
June 9th Mrs Cleugh’s P.A. resigned.
June 20th Letter from Chair of Governors to P.A. giving reasons for not being able to fully apply grievance procedure. cc Personnel Services to Schools (LB Hillingdon), Diocese Westminster, GMB Union
July 02 5 members of staff left - Reception Teacher, Year 5 Teacher, Special Needs Assistant Classroom Assistant (Staff Governor and Parent), Welfare Assistant.
Aug 2nd Resignation letter from Classroom Assistant to Chair of Governors - Job untenable, job changed after incident involving her own child in the school. cc Personnel Services to Schools (LB Hillingdon), Diocese Westminster, GMB Union
Sept 02 After 2 Terms of Mrs Cleugh taking up her Headship at the school 11 members of staff had left. The majority left for reasons which were directly connected with Mrs Cleugh.
Nov 17th Letter from three former employees to Director of Education Hillingdon stating grave concerns and asking for an Independent Investigation. cc Secretary of State for Education, MP for Uxbridge, Leader of Education Committee (Hillingdon), GMB Union, Secretary - Unison Hillingdon Branch.
Nov 24th Letter to GMB Union concerning letter Nov 17th explaining that one former employee was too frightened, upset and stressed to sign letter.
Nov 27th Letter from Diocese Westminster noting concerns in letter sent Nov 17th ‘will respond in due course’.
Dec 4th Letter from M.P. acknowledging receipt of enclosures regarding St. Mary’s.
Dec 12th Letter from Hillingdon Social Services to all staff at St Mary’s concerning feedback from visit to school (received anonymous referral from within the school) concluding that criteria for formal Child Protection process not met.
Dec 13th Letter to M.P. - no response from letter to Director of Education Hillingdon (Nov 17th ) which raises general level of unease, and fear within the staff and parental community.
Dec 19th Letter from M.P. concerning arrangement to visit St. Mary’s in January.
Dec 02 3 members of staff left - Finance Assistant, Year 1 Teacher, Year 2 Teacher.
Dec 20th Letter from Department for Education and Skills (passed on by Secretary of State) states governing body has legal responsibility for the general conduct of the school.
Dec 23rd Letter (received Jan 10th) from Director of Education Hillingdon – ‘Your letter has served to help us focus and engineer support to all members of the school community and I should like to thank you for that’.
Jan 03 After 3 Terms of Mrs Cleugh taking up her Headship at the school 14 members of staff had left. The majority left for reasons which were directly connected with Mrs Cleugh.
The second section will be posted later.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Congratulations Year 6!
We are very proud parents. Thank you Mrs Cunningham and Mr Buyers and ALL the staff and parents who helped to make it such a great success, we really appreciate your hard work and dedication.
We urge all parents at St Vincent’s to read this:
The letter was sent, together with an appendix cataloguing a series of events that have occurred since Mrs Cleugh arrived at our school. A second appendix catalogued a similar story at St Mary's in Hillingdon
It is incredible that we have had to go to such lengths in order to have our voice heard to stop the disastrous chronicle of events that have affected so many of us.
The St Vincent's appendix will be posted on the blog this weekend.
Please come back to the site over the next few days, several other things are happening that may be of interest
Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor
Bishop Stack, Chair of the Diocesan Education Committee
Paul Barber, Director of Education, Diocesan Schools Commissioner
Ann Blyth, Chair of Governors, St Vincent’s Acton
Governing Body of St Vincent’s Acton
cc Rachel Black, Director of Education, Ealing LEA
cc Andrew Slaughter, MP for Ealing, Acton and Shepherd’s Bush
cc John Randall, MP for Uxbridge
Monday 25th June 2007
Your Eminence, Your Grace, Sirs and Ladies,
This letter is sent to you all, more in sorrow than in anger.
We are members of the Community of St Vincent’s School in Acton, which comprises current parents, former parents, former governors, former teachers and administrative staff, parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes and Holy Family. In addition we are in contact with members of the Communities of St Mary’s in Hillingdon and of St Joseph’s Upton in the Wirral.
This letter concerns Mrs Christina Cleugh, currently Head Teacher of St Vincent’s Primary School, Acton, and formerly of St Mary’s and of St Joseph’s Schools.
You all, each of you in your various capacities and responsibilities for the schools, have been informed of a catalogue of complaints made by parents and staff about Mrs Cleugh over the years. Her serious, seemingly compulsive, bullying behaviour, has caused grave concern in all three of the schools where she has been Head. Your expressions of concern though, have never been followed up by any significant action. We are saddened that you have ignored letter upon letter, you have ignored meetings with parents and even Members of Parliament, all of which sought to draw your attention to the behaviour of Mrs. Cleugh. We feel betrayed not only as parents of our children, but also as members of the Catholic Community. We have nowhere else to turn.
You probably have little idea just how widespread the concern about Mrs. Cleugh is, within all three school communities. This is because, in each case, resigning teachers dared not speak out for fear of ruining their prospects of further employment, parents were unwilling to identify themselves for fear of reprisals on their children, and others are naively trusting that those of you in positions of authority would "do something". The complaints and concerns that you have received are only the tip of the iceberg.
We have decided with much regret that the only option we have left is to make our case public.
It is in the urgent case of St Vincent’s that we insist on immediate action. By July 2007, 18 months into the leadership of Mrs Cleugh, around 30 members of paid staff will have left the school (July 2006, December 2006 and July 2007).
We insist on the immediate suspension of Mrs Cleugh, based on the catalogue of complaints.
Because of the appointment of Acting Head Mrs Gill Bosschaert in the Autumn term, to cover for Mrs Cleugh’s recuperation period, the school will have senior leadership in place.
We also ask that that the Governors of St Vincent’s seriously consider their position, given their collective failure to address this issue.
Finally we request that all applicants to positions of Headship and Deputy Headship within the Diocese of Westminster undertake standard psychometric assessments and a more rigorous reference checking system is put in place, to ensure such bullying behaviour as that of Mrs Christina Cleugh is never inflicted on a Catholic school community again.
Please reply by Friday 13th July to PO Box ----------------
We are sending this letter to all Governors directly, as there is a history of letters addressed to the Chair of Governors not being fully circulated, thus leaving them in a state of ignorance.
The Appendix contains the main catalogue of complaints made against Mrs Cleugh, most of which you should be familiar with. It makes stunning reading.
Yours in Christian Fellowship,
Very concerned members of the Community of St Vincent’s School.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Yes, we ARE in this week's Ealing Times...
How dare they insult the school by saying that there were a number of longstanding problems and that the performance of the school has been improved.
I feel a letter to the Editor coming on...please join me, and please cc the aforementioned Authority and Diocese
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Staff for next year - good news or bad news?
Miss N Smith had only been in the school a year, why such a quick departure? Miss Smith was the much lauded Head of Inclusion - do we have a new one?
I understand that a large proportion of the new appointments are Probationery teachers - again. While I applaude new and young blood, I am a bit alarmed that my kids may be taught by a succession of newly qualified staff - surely the best for a school is a balance of experience and youth? And can even the omni-present and much talented Mrs Cleugh give this number of newly qualified staff the support they need in their first years as teachers?
I recognise hardly any names on the list for next year - obviously Mrs Cunningham and Sr Pat, Mr Buyers is now looking like a wise and long-standing teacher, great that Ms Anderson is still with us, also the other Miss Smith...
Weird that Mrs Dorcas Afriye has been with the school for almost a year, but Mrs Cleugh has only just decided to "welcome her" now??? Is this a euphemism for giving her a permanent job? Anyway, welcome Mrs Afriye, sorry it took so long...
And what is it with temporary contracts? Should we not be giving teachers who join our lovely school a feeling of confidence that a permanent post would signal???
Oh, and why has the departure of Mrs Hingley, Mrs Melham and the Reception Learning Support Assistant not been announced? Surely their posts need to be filled?
And you see, if the full number of staff leaving is not spelt out honestly, how can parents trust what Mrs Cleugh tells us?
Finally...the lovely space in the Newsletters for the Governors to keep us informed of their actions on behalf of the school - did I miss the announcement of the resignation of two governors? And the reasons for their resignation?
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
further to my comment of five minutes ago...
From very concerned members of the Community of St Vincent’s School.
The following are quotes taken from correspondence relating to serious concerns regarding Mrs Cleugh's Headship at St Mary’s in Hillingdon. Serious concerns were raised by staff and parents to the Governing Body, the Diocese and LEA, no one listened or took appropriate action. Mrs Cleugh then moved on to take up the Headship of St Vincent’s in Acton in 2006. Once again serious concerns were raised by staff and parents of St Vincent’s to the Governing Body, the Diocese and LEA and to date no one has listened or taken appropriate action.
‘I have been signed off with nervous exhaustion.’
‘St Mary’s School is now a place where none of the staff want to be. The atmosphere is one of tension and misery.’
‘In my opinion staff are so demoralised but are scared of being found talking to one another as further bullying is likely to occur as a result, so whispering in the corners has become commonplace.’
‘I could not stand working in this atmosphere as the stress became unbearable so I felt I had no choice but to leave the school.’
‘I have never seen so many staff in tears, and the number of staff that have already left to get away from this situation is quite appalling – and very distressing for those of us remaining.’
3 former employees letter to Director of Education Hillingdon
“It is our opinion, however that the reality of the situation at St Mary’s RC School is one that warrants the most serious independent investigation and consideration. Staff, past and present, believe that they have been, or are being subjected to systematic harassment and bullying by the headteacher, Mrs Christina Linda Cleugh.’
Former employee letter to MP
‘I have given up a lovely, local job in a school that meant the world to me. I have had to split my family. I basically have to be at two different schools at the same time. Why would anyone do that without reason. I do feel I am one of the lucky ones. Many members of staff have NEVER got over the way they were treated at St Mary’s.’
Former employee, letter to MP
‘Some complaints went to the Governors and they met with us to find out what was going on. Another meeting was held for staff to voice their concerns to representatives of the Governors and Education authority. Representatives from some of the unions were turned away at the door. We were told that the Governors should not have met with us and that they have to support the head teacher. We were all urged to “give her a chance”. We did and I believe that was a big mistake.’
‘I will give you one example of when Mrs Cleugh behaved unprofessionally towards us. We were told to make the nursery look as unattractive as possible, so that we would stand the best chance of funding for the new unit. After the representative from the Diocese had visited we asked if we could replace all the displays ect. We were told not to, as the nursery was going to be given a coat of paint. Mrs Cleugh then invited -----------, the Early Years Advisor in to visit and to give “support”. The starting point for this support was not how the nursery had originally looked, but how Mrs Cleugh had made us make the nursery look. We thought ---------- was aware of this, but were upset to find this was not the case in her written report.’
Former employee - Teacher
‘As during this time I was a NQT I was told by a person from the LEA that they were aware of the problems at St Mary’s and that if it had not been a faith school the situation would have been addressed earlier but that each time Mrs C Cleugh had been challenged she ‘Played the church card’ and kept the LEA out.’
Please write to Andrew Slaughter MP in confidence with your concerns.
June 29, 2007 5:53 PM
Some (governors, and Diocese apparatchiks) would like to believe that this blog is just about a handful of gossips intent on 'stirring it up'.
I have a question for those people. Do the claims of these people move your conscience? How do you feel about the numerous people who say they have been harmed, do they deserve support or is it reasonable to ignore their stories in the hope of securing or maintaining an appearance, however superficial, of 'normality'? Do you think it 'gossip' to share this information?
It has been said before here that there is no peace without justice. We desire peace, truly we do. We would be very happy to put this blog to bed, because there was no longer any need for it. But we also desire justice for those people who deserve our support. If it was you who had been on the recieving end of injustice , wouldn't you want your community to do that for you?
Something else to ponder...
Had St Marys in Hillingdon not been in a neighbouring borough we may never have discovered this. We are so glad that we met them and have their support. There is great fellowship to be found amongst those who have 'been there' and know exactly what we are struggling with. They are a great bunch of people who watched with dismay as their own community was riven in the same way as ours. They tried everything and got nowhere. Now they are putting their hand to our plough, we are encouraged by that, and we thank them for it.
This comment came in today from them. It deserves a wider reading, and I am aware that when there are a number of comments, some can get lost in the pile. For this reason, as have said before, from time to time we will highlight noteworthy comments in the main post.
From ex-staff, families and friends of St Mary’s Uxbridge
To our brothers and sisters of the St Vincent’s community
Please accept our sincere and deepest sympathy on the tragic circumstances that you now find yourselves in:
•gospel values are no longer promoted
•unhappiness, fear and distrust pervades
•there is a web of lies and threats
•pupils, parents, staff and governors continue to leave
•relationships within the parish community are being destroyed
•governors are weak and ineffective
•staff who remain “loyal” are being offered “enhancements”
•there are concerns re provision for special educational needs
•there are concerns re financial practices
•the Diocese refuses to listen
•meetings and surveys are held to placate people
•there is retribution for anyone who “disagrees or asks questions”
We suffered the same at St Mary’s. Some will never recover from the treatment they received at the hands of Mrs Cleugh.
We have spoken with members of St Joseph’s community in the Wirral, who to a lesser but significant degree endured a similar regime during Mrs Cleugh’s first Headship.
Why is no-one listening? Is there a cover-up?
We want to know!
Another question and a more serious one:
Will St Vincent’s ever recover – we’re not sure if St Mary’s ever did?
July 10, 2007 10:02 AM
Saturday, July 7, 2007
I have a few questions that I am intrigued to have an answer to...
- When you go onto this site what are you hoping to read/find out about?
- What stops you from posting, even if just to say, gosh I am shocked and surprised
- What would you like to happen at St V? We have a pretty alarming view of the Head, and no confidence at all in the Governors and Bishop Stack, so if it is in our hands (parents that is) what shall we do?
Come on readers! Let's hear from you, I promise you will not be smitten with plague...
Friday, July 6, 2007
do you remember the parents' survey?
- estimate that a staggering 84% of families completed the survey, over 300 comments
- Governing Body fully committed to listening to the voice of all parents, as reflected in the survey and taking the school positively forward (OK, listening, but doing WHAT precisely?)
- pretty good scores for the 4 questions re Catholic Ethos, yet Action Plan had a huge 10 suggestions in this area (orchestra playing while Titanic goes down??)
- Curriculum questions - generally positive responses but some criticism of provision for minorities eg SEN, under achievers, over achievers. However, no indication of widespread panic re educational standards such as we would expect after receiving Bishop Stack's letter in May...
- So, the main focus was on...surprise... "welcome and welfare". Alarmingly high scores for "not very much" for approachability of staff and Head, do you feel welcome (31% not very much., so that has to be more than the 3 nutter parents they think are the total number of complainants...)
- Finally our own dear Governors...not surprisingly poor results for whether they are discharging their Governance responsibility properly - this is as much about us being ignorant of who and what they are...action here of Governing Body and staff in Reception (not there when I last went in on Monday - they can borrow my camera if they want, or are they waiting to see who is still around in September?) Then followed by, and excuse me while I laugh at this one, information made available to parents mostly through the website - which one? The one that Mrs Cleugh closed down? Well, if Governors want to post info on THIS website they are most welcome
A tragi-comedy if ever there was one
Over to you parents, you filled in the survey, what do you think?