Sunday, July 29, 2007

The School Governors

Many parents have said that they are unaware of who the governors are and their role.
We believe the list below comprises all of the current governors. These are the people responsible for the wellbeing of the schoool. It was the governors who employed Mrs Cleugh.
Any parent with concerns about issues at the school should, as a first port of call, contact the chair of governors, Anne Blyth. It is strongly advised that any such concerns should also be copied to the LEA and the MP, Andrew Slaughter.

Who are St Vincent’s School Governors and are they fulfilling their role?

Head Teacher - Mrs C Cleugh

Chair of Governors - Anne Blyth - parent
Role of the Chairman of Governors
"Effective governing bodies are models of good team spirit and sound leadership. The Chairman has a vital role in ensuring that the governors share with staff and parents the school’s aims and objectives and that these are at the forefront of all they undertake".

Clerk to Governors - Not known – Mrs M O’Sullivan resigned ?

Inclusion Governor - Pat McNair - former parent

Ealing Council - Cllr J Randall

Foundation Governors
Fr John Wiley – parish priest, Holy Family Parish
Mrs M Bull – grand children in the school
Ms S Dunne - parent
Mr S Currie - parent
Mr J Perriera - parent
Role of the Foundation Governor
"Voluntary service as a governor is an important share in the Church’s ministry in education and requires genuine interest in the school, its pupils, staff and parents and a commitment to promoting its well-being"

Parent Governors
Mr A Byrne - parent
Dr G O’Brien – parent
Mrs A Gorton – withdrew child from the school Dec 2006, RESIGNED June 2007
Role of the elected Parent Governor
"iii. a concern for the whole school and its role in the parish and local community
vi. willingness to be a good team member, working harmoniously with fellow governors and school staff.
vii. an ability to maintain confidentiality in many areas of governor’s work".

Staff Governors
Teacher - Sr Pat Armato
Support Staff - Mrs A Melham - former parent, RESIGNED May 2007, L.S.A.(SEN) resigned post July 2007

School Governor Vacancies
Governor - Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Parent Governor
Staff Governor
Clerk to Governors?


TH said...

The comment below was first posted in May. It is particularly relevant to the governors list above.

I agree. The governors need to be reminded that they are the employers of the staff at the school, not the head. As such they have a responsibility to listen to staffs concerns. There was a case last year, in the south west of England, where a deputy head had been bullied severely by the head teacher. The deputy asked her governors and LEA for support but none was forthcoming. All seemed to support the head. In the end the case was heard by tribunal and the governing body had to pay a considerable amount of compensation to the DH, who by this point was unable to return to any school. This is a very extreme example but serves as a good exemplar of what can happen to governing bodies who forget or neglect their responsibilities.
May 10, 2007 2:30 PM

Anonymous said...

hello from Teresa Roscow

firstly may I congratulate the number of Posters who have added their names to their comments recently. It makes the Blog look much less eery and more part of the school community.

So, the main point I wanted to make: Thank You very much to the person who put this information on the Blog - this is exactly what the Action Plan arising from the Parents Survey was supposed to provide for us, given that the Governors had taken a bit of flak in the Survey.. I think it was supposed to be in the School Reception Area?

But why does it take this Blog to give us the information? This Blog, which the Governors have told us not to read?! Weird or what? I would love to know what the Governors are responsible for, I think some are Curriculum, some Building etc? Come on Govenors, stop hiding your light under a bushel and tell us what you have been busy doing!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.