Sunday, December 9, 2007


Good you're there. Just checking. Now, is this thing thing still working? tap tap blow blow. Yup, looking good. Stay tuned for more soon... ( curb your enthusiasm Mr Pittendreigh, Gerry O'Brien and all you other naughty blog lurkers out there.) No, its our pleasure, honestly, don't thank us.
Come on, give us a hug. A big ol' cyber hug.Can you feel the love? The sincerity? We learnt some good oleaginous meaningless shallow love talk from the experts. Anyhow, do come back soon, we get lonely when you don't come and visit.
With our prayerful best wishes, The Blogmeisters


Anonymous said...

Bullying is really serious and can destroy lives. Sadly schools seems to be a place where bullying thrives. It is very sad to hear that people are suffereing so much. I do hope that equal energy is going into resolving the problem as is to this blog. Never laugh at bullying or make light of it. My sincere best wishes!

TQ said...

Thank you anon for your good wishes. Be assured that we are not making light of bullying. We have seen at first hand the terrible toll that this has taken on peoples lives. If you didn't laugh you'd cry.