Sunday, April 1, 2007


I am starting to understand this more: we now have correct times on the blog and I have made it easier to leave comments. All feedback gratefully received.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

can we use some confidential stuff now mrs c

Anonymous said...

I have got huge concerns. Hillingdon, where Mrs C held a previous headship is a neighbouring borough to Acton. Through the relationship grapevine I have met people associated with her previous school. The news coming from them is dreadful. It seems as though the staff turnover there was even higher than it has been so far in St Vincents ( 100% left within 18 months)
Not one teacher stayed within the Catholic education system ( the same is true of the teachers who have left St. Vincents) A number of staff and parents took their concerns to the Diocese, their MP and even the Dept for education and skills. There were huge concerns, not only over the loss of highly experienced and well regarded staff, but also over the special needs provision.In addition her behaviour towards children was a cause for concern. Also, it seems, this Head was inclined to 'target' certain individuals and make their lives very difficult, when they had left she moved on to new targets. In this way, the original community of the school was decimated. The numbers on the school roll fell. Ruptures also appeared in the parish and some people chose to leave and find a new church.One individual who was taking instruction to become a Catholic abandoned it following the experience of this Heads strange form of religiosity.
Many were very hurt by the support that some people in the community gave Mrs C. They felt that some were hoodwinked, some were scared and that others saw their opportunity to further their own personal advantage by being 'close to the seat of power' and were therefore prepared to turn a blind eye to the injustice done to others.
I am massively concerned because I see the same things happening here.
The fact that Mrs.C has her supporters is very plain, but in the circumstances, meaningless.
Throughout history, even the most heinous tyrants have managed to secure the unwavering support of allies, or minor bullies.
Only the most morally apathetic can remain unconcerned about what is happening to people in our community.

Anonymous said...

With awe I read this! Can't believe our head has a twin sister (or maybe a female clone)- the only difference is the name!! Keep up the pressure, I'm glad to see that someone has spine and you can stand together on this and not a voice crying out in the wilderness.

Anonymous said...

With awe I read this! Can't believe our head has a twin sister (or maybe a female clone)- the only difference is the name!! Keep up the pressure, I'm glad to see that someone has spine and you can stand together on this and not a voice crying out in the wilderness.