Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Help Stop Bullying in the Workplace now

Tell-tale signs of conflict at work
How familiar are these?

1. Shouting and Swearing
2. Instantaneous rages over trivial matters
3. Punishments dispensed out of the blue
4. Ignoring other people’s point of view
5. Personal insults and name-calling
6. Persistent criticism
7. Persistently setting unrealistic deadlines
8. Spreading malicious rumours
9. Constantly moving goal posts and withholding information
10. Ostracising, Ignoring, excluding and freezing people out
11. Making threats
12. Removing responsibility
13. Allocating menial tasks

If any of the above sounds familiar, you may be witnessing inappropriate workplace behaviour.

Does this behaviour go on in your organisation?
If it does, and you are a responsible manager, DO SOMETHING!

Call the FREE National Bullying Helpline: 0845 22 55 787


Friday, March 21, 2008


No doubt you will have all seen this week's newsletter when it came home in the bags.
What was the message from the chair of Governors all about?

What is this ugly rumour and who are these people he refers to? Surely he can't be referring to the numerous people associated with the school who have always had the best interests of the school, the staff and particularly the children as a first priority.

There has never been a vitriolic campaign against the school and the staff. THIS IS THE REAL LIE!

Those who have contributed to this blog have alway stressed that the primary concern is about the management of the school and the loss of so many good staff in such a short period of time and the continuing exodus of staff since. Three more this term alone.

An update to the Acton Timeline will be posted shortly.

When are the governors going to wake up to what has happened and is still happening?

Until there is a full inquiry into the governance of St Vincent's this blog will continue.