Thursday, March 29, 2007

Adding comments...

Gosh - its all new and different in this Internet world! I now realise that if you want to add comments to this blog you will need a google / gmail account. Sorry. I guess the theory is that poeple cannot leave anonymous comments. Good generally but perhaps not quite what we wanted here. Well, lets so how we go.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I was a little put off by the requirement to set up an account. It sounds a bit of a faff. I went through 1/2 the process and then ducked out because it seemed as though I actually needed my own blog which I didn't want. In any case, after I'd ducked out I was surprised to see that my comments were still accepted.
It's actually very straightforward, no more than entering your email address, which Yahoo states is confidential and not disclosed.
I just want to encourage would-be commenters not to be put off!

Curious said...

Hi - good idea this blog. Perhaps we can establish what on earth has happened to St. Vincent's. I hear loads of staff have left and pupils too. Every time I talk to a St. Vincent's mum they are angry about something and generally the lack of communication between Governors and parents. Why?