Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Starting a blog...

I am starting this blog to express my concern about our school, St Vincent's Catholic Primary, in Acton London W3. The idea is that this will be a place where people can share and comment about the school both openly and yet confidentially. There may come a time, hopefully soon, when the fear is gone and there will be no more need for such an approach.

Our school has been a wonderful school and it is sad what it has become since the current head took over. The tacit approval of the governing body has been very upsetting. Anyway - this is my bold first step to try and change things. This gets the blog started - I will try and post reasonably often and I hope to get some feedback from others of you out there. lets see what happens....


Anonymous said...

I am also concerned about the situation at St Vincents. It seems that the Diocese of Westminster are well aware of the serious concerns that were raised in her previous school.
No one seems to be listening.
Thank you for the opportunity to air our concerns.

St Vincent's school mum said...

Who ever set up this blog - thankyou. I have never blogged before and was very supprised as to how easy it was to join in, so here goes ....I have been associated with the school for several years and have always been very happy with it. However, since the current head joined, my feelings have changed. I am worried about the very high numbers of excellent teachers who have left over the past year. But most of all I'm worried about our children who we leave there every day. Some parents have actually gone as far as taking their children out of the school, and I have to admit I've thought about doing it too. This is a very brave step, and just illustrates the serious nature of the situation. Reading a previous blog, I am now even more concerned about the Head, please keep us informed.

Anonymous said...

Well done parents for using this resource to get your feelings "noticed" by the Governors (who are wholly accountable, especially for their lack of compassion to parents) Why are they so afraid of the head teacher????