Saturday, May 19, 2007

Year 5 Assembly

I have heard lots of stories about this now. The children did very well. They had been well rehearsed by their teachers and a lot of effort had gone into the event. Well done all of you! The theme of freedom and responsibility was an interesting one. The only thing that was missing though was a sense of joy, a sense of pride in their presentation, a sense of a class enjoying achieving as a team.

The other children watching were also impressive in their discipline. They filed in and out beautifully and sat in such silence it seemed you could hear a pin drop. One look at their faces however told a different story - they seemed terrified. Apparently some of the staff did too! Not a happy school...

Finally there was Mrs Cleugh's little speech at the end. What was that all about? As usual the thanks expressed to the children was minimal. She mainly seemed concerned though about patting herself on the back. Especially in an environment where no-one could talk back - good use of human shields there, Mrs Cleugh. Oh, and are we expecting an exodus of teachers at the end of this term for her to trumpet that one is staying?

Anyway, that is what I have picked up. Please leave a comment to let me know if I have heard it wrong, or if this was close enough to your impression.


TG said...

Thanks to the reader who spotted you couldn't comment on this post - fixed now!

Anonymous said...

Teresa - yet another comment, sorry, must go to bed soon...

Who organised the petition last autumn, which got a third of parents signing - shall we have another go?

Anonymous said...

TG - I think you were spot on with your reveiw of Mrs Cleugh's behaviour at the otherwise lovely year 5 assembly. Why did she have to make a comment about year 5 parents complaining? We all know that year 5 children and staff have had a nightmare time. All complaints were completly justified as they were due to Mr's C incompetent management. She just cannot resist stirring up ill feelings.

Anonymous said...

Could you explain why the year 5 children and staff have had a bad time?What was her comment about year 5 parents complaining?

Anonymous said...

From Teresa Roscow
I have posted this twice before, I must be pressing the wrong button, story of my life...if this disappears again I will smell a rat...

Thanks for putting the rcdow website lead here, I followed it and read with interest how Governors are SUPPOSED to deal with complaints. You can follow the leads yourself - go to, then click on school governors, then click on complaints procedures in schools, then click on complaints we have a "Gorerning Body's Complaints Appeal Panel - 3 Governors appointed annually who deal with complaints? I have not heard of such, but I have not made a complaint so far.
How can we help the Governors to deal with this situation? We have to operate within the given system, they seem to be the main port of call. If Governors and parents have the same agenda then things may chane? Or am I being naieve?

Anonymous said...

Who gave the references for Mrs Cleugh? Given the wealth of evidence that there was enough to be concerned about,and that all the relevant bodies knew that there was considerable disquiet, I am curious to know whether the referees disclosed any of these concerns. Were they under an obligation to do so?
Who knows who the referees are? Can we ask the governors or the LEA to share this information?

How accountable are referees? Is it possible that they wrote references which glossed over concerns simply to "pass a problem on", if so would that be a breach of a referees obligations?

Anonymous said...

For TG:
I just want to say how well you describe the assembly. I felt very sad when I read your piece. I am sure many people felt uncomfortable on that day and I am very surprised it has not provoked more reaction and comment.

Anonymous said...

re references...
It is sadly the case that very often organisations, not just schools, will give good references for people who are not necc deserving of them. If the reference is false then of course there is a case to be answered however, unless an outright lie is told in the reference it is almost impossible to take things any further. Unless the governors asked directly if there had been any previous history of an exdous of staff, claims of bullying etc ( which is unlikely) then the referee would have no reason to mention it. Of course, St Mary's may have wanted to be rid of such a character so some glossing over may have occured. Alternatively Mrs C had managed to completely change the shape of the school, staff and governors so the team she left behind may not have thought so badly of her.
Having said all that it would certainly be interesting to read her reference. Unfortunately they are usually highly confidential!

Anonymous said...

Re: Year 5 assembly
Yes, I have heard from other horrified Yr 5 parents. I would have been at that assembly if my child was still at the school and I know from speaking to my friends how upset and worried they are especially after this assembly. Many of my friends have told to me how the school no longer feels a welcoming place and I believe they are beginning to wonder what happens behind those closed doors. The negative impact that this is having on children, teachers, families and the wider community of Acton is taking its toll. Just look at the faces, once they were happy and smiling and now…….?

I am thankful that I no longer have to entrust my children into the care of Mrs Cleugh.

Nicola Loftus ex- parent

Anonymous said...

Just a thought, TG who are you?

What is your name?

Other people have put there names in but not you.

Prehaps I would if I knew who you were!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't at this assembly, but I have heard 2 mothers now tell me a similar story to the one in this post. Assemblies aren't normally especially noteworthy topics for school gate chat, especially when your child wasn't involved. The way this assembly was held seems to have irked people.
So weird how the personality and feel of the school seems to have undergone such a change in such a short time. So many mothers I know talk about the school with deep sighs and eye rolling and tutting, or saying little but seething with quiet frustration and resentment.
Quite a number have expressed a deep disquiet about the diocese and Catholic schooling in general.Some are saying that they feel ambivalent even about going to mass . Some are re-evaluating their choice to send their children to RC schools at all. I certainly am.
It is just so sad.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was quite a day at StVincents. four members of staff resigned. The only problem is Mrs Cluff is hanging in there.Our kids will suffer from this instability and poor management skills.

Anonymous said...

This is another post which was added to one of the earlier sites, yet another example of someones experience elsewhere.

The George and the dragon comparison article is so clearly written by someone who knows this lady only too well! Whilst our experiences of T.C. were a number of years ago the scars are still very evident. We find the ghost of this lady keeps returning to rekindle memories of horror. The enormouse relief that she is no longer here to continue her reign of terror cannot be underestimated. She is indeed a very clever lady who carefully goes to great lengths to win favour with those in high places. She both uses and abuses. Unfortunately she covers her tracks well, ensuring legal aspects are covered by fair means or foul. We had hoped that after leaving us she would 'learn something' or 'her mental health' would get better. Whilst she clearly needs help I do know your need is by far the greater at this point in time. All I can say to you unfortunate people at St Vincents is that yes there are others out here who do really understand, who do really know what you are going through. It really does have to be experienced to be fully understood! There will be a life after T.C. but only unfortunately when she moves onto her next unfortunate victims. I wish you the best of luck in overturning and 'slaying the dragon!' May she come to self relisation and begin to recognise that she does need psychological help.

June 4, 2007 7:26 PM

Lets talk about our head teacher now, Mrs Tina Cleugh. She is a remarkable woman, as anyone who has met her will tell you, as everyone who has met her falls into one of two, very clearly divided camps: those who think she is up there with St George, and those who think she has more in common with the dragon!

To many of our Governors she remains an excellent choice of head teacher and is doing a great job. To many of the staff who have left the school and to many of the parents who have removed their children from the school she is definitely a dragon.

Dragons are also considered to be able to flatter and confuse if need be. It is my assessment that our head teacher keeps her most charming and beguiling behaviour for those whom she considers useful. If you are not useful, or more worryingly if you are an obstacle or a threat, then I fear you will feel a dragon’s wrath.

A head teacher should be concerned for the institution that is the school in their care: the teaching staff, the support staff, the pupils, the parents. I suspect that the only institution that our head teacher is really concerned for though is herself – all her actions can be measured and understood by this.

So, St George, or the Dragon? What have your experiences been? Please leave a comment so we all can know.
posted by TG at 21:50 on 03-Apr-2007

Anonymous said...

This comment was posted onto an earlier page. I believe this has come from someone affected by events at St Joseph's in Upton, The Wirral.


We as a family have read your comments and feel deeply saddened.
This happened at our school when she was head, everything you have said... she did to us!

We lost many good teachers from our school as a result of her actions; many respectable families also.

It's a game plan with her, and she will destroy, WATCH YOUR BACKS to those who have not experienced the wrath of the cleugh.

She has left traumatised children and teachers in our school, she has to be stopped.
She brain washes people and would appear to have an inner circle of governers.
Just reading the blogs is enough to see the amount of unrest she has caused in your community.

"People don't understand me, i'm doing it for the good of the school"... does this sound familiar???

We have nothing to gain by putting this message to you, as fellow christians, we want to give our support to those who are being accused of gossiping, it is so frustrating not being heard.
She will leave a lasting impression on all her victims, and many years down the line she has still left emotionally scarred adults and children.

We wish we had started our own blog to express our concerns at the time, she is very good at divide and conquer tactics.

Can understand why some parents are reluctant to give negative feedback and reveal identities as you and your children will be come victims... believe me you will.
We are years down the line and are still opting to be anonymous because of her.

Please keep an open mind if you have not experienced her wrath, you have the right to you opinion as do we, but your children are in the school... frontline.

P.S Mrs Cleugh, are you the positive blogger??? Thats just your style.

May 31, 2007 9:20 PM