Saturday, June 30, 2007

Blog - Business as Usual

Sorry - life has been busy and you deserve an update. Feedback from you all was 100% in favour of the blog continuing - so it remains business as usual. We are not dead yet!

As stated repeatedly though, if the Governors put in place a fair and reasonable process whereby someone independant can listen to our concerns and create a plan to address them, then this blog will go away.

Given the length of time you Governors are taking to progress a formal grievance there is little confidence that other concerns will be handled in a timely manner, never mind, well.


Anonymous said...

Please reinstate unmoderated comments. Just delete ones you don't like. Its a bit frustrating to wait so long for comments to show up.
GOVERNORS: how can you rest easy knowing what you have done to people in your community? These are good people that you Mrs Blyth and fellow governors have facilitated the mistreatment of. Mrs Cleughs behaviour is one thing, but we could get over that. At the very least we deserved to be treated with decency by you. You have known many of us for years. You have done worse than fiddle while Rome burns, you have helped Nero to set the torch to it.
Have you NO conscience?? SHAME ON YOU ALL.

Anonymous said...

100% in favour great news, but what happened to the sad last gasp poster, gone down the pub for a last fag ?
On a more serious note have heard
we are having another high turnover
of staff this summer,are these the same staff that were told to attend
the parents meeting only a few weeks ago. They have voted with their feet.

Anonymous said...

Staff going - do you suppose it will be a grand, last day of term announcement like last year, and the children not knowing who their teachers will be next year? It was disappointing last time around and added greatly to the children's anxiety about the new year, new classes etc.

Please Mrs Cleugh can this be communicated clearly and in good time, this year?

Anonymous said...

Just listening to The Learning Curve on Radio 4, and an interesting item about the difficulty of recruiting to the Headship post for all schools. Too much bureaucracy, constant initiatives and changes, long hours, stress of SATS, inspections etc have all taken their toll, with too few people coming forward. I am sure that this is partly the problem we face at St V - Governors thinking better a poor head than no head at all?

Well, not good enough - better to recruit someone who is incompetent - our teachers and Governors may be able to carry such a person along. A truly distructive Head such as we have wreaks far more havoc for more people for much longer. Worry about who might be found to follow Mrs C is just not a good enough excuse.

Anonymous said...

Thank you TG for this blog site. I would have posted sooner, but I’ve had real problems with the system, so hopefully this will come through.

First of all I think that it is outrageous that the governors have asked parents to stop reading this blog. How ridiculous is that? The only way parents find out what is going on in the school is by reading up to date information from this site. So thanks to all who post with relevant information - please don’t stop. I don’t often get a chance to talk to people so this is the only way I know what’s going on!

After all their promises, communications between the Governing Body and parents is still seriously lacking. Why haven’t we been told that 6 teachers and 2 non teaching staff are leaving at the end of this term? Who are the 2 Governors who have recently resigned - and more importantly WHY?

I have read the time line of Mrs C’s tenure at her previous school. It is distressingly like ours. What are the Governors doing about it? As someone said in a previous blog the governors should be held accountable - but how?