Sunday, July 22, 2007

Indeed we are not alone...

This is a post from July 21st, thanks to whoever left it for us.

It was cut and pasted onto the end of the long "book saga" dialogue, so some of you may miss it, but we believe it is important enough that it gets headline billing for today.

You're not alone at St. Vincents.The new Head at Oaklands in Hanwell, Miss Michelle Moore, appointed at Easter 2007, is a complete disaster.She has sworn at staff, belittled them, and intimidated them. There is an atmosphere of fear, and staff are completely demoralised.DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YET ANOTHER SCHOOL.SUPPORT THE ACTION!43 members of staff-both teaching and non-teaching-have signed a letter of no co-confidence in the new Head, and the unions have been called in.How does the LEA respond?Of course, the easy answer- staff must be picking on poor Miss Moore!All of us - concerned members of staff and parents- must unite and fight this new-style management, which seems to have official approval.

If this person wants to contact us, because indeed we are stronger when we are united, then please come back to this Blog.


Anonymous said...

You indeed are not alone. Have you heard about what is happening to another Catholic school in your diocese. New head teacher and 6 staff leaving after ONE term and one off with mental exhaustion. One member of staff brave enough to say that she is being bullied and as a result is off with stress. How can Catholic schools behave like this? Bullying kills the mind, body and soul. St. Swithun Wells was a teacher, I hope he was better to his staff!

Anonymous said...

Dear St Vincents, yes you are not alone indeed. A Catholic school in Westminster attached to the Cathedral has suffered so badly with the head bullying children and parents too. This is not only down to very bad head teacher, but also 2 teachers who insist in demoralizing the pupils very belief in Christ. The Head insists on protecting these teachers as you can imagine it would not be good for the schools reputation. Also, its the victims of bullying who are not protected, as it would amount to a very bad statistic and poor management failings should these figures be recorded. Children are being used in the school to do caretakers work and being encouraged with sweets, children at the school have been known to answer the main telephone left alone in the office to do secretarial work during teaching time. Some children have been incorrectly labeled with disorders , this is done to protect the schools failings to these paricular children, whom have been let down by poor teaching. If parents complain, the Head takes gret pride in being able to shut you up and is never happy to back his words on paper. The head has been known to say derogatory words against the church and priests, but this doesnt seem to phase anyone. The parents are scared and scurry around in fear. The head has bullied certain parents to the point of tears, panic and asthma attacks. I could go on, but there seems to be no point. The church is afraid to loose its credability, but little do they know how bad this makes them appear. I have worked in legal departments and I understand that this is all wrong. The children suffer, no wonder they dont go to church once they have ended their schooling years. The church need not ask why between the ages of 16-25 young people do not attend church so frequently.
Did you know that parents could set up an official petition to remove any one from school management by law. Not a lot of people know that!! But I can guarantee that the parents are too scared to do anything about it!!! Parents have a lot of power, it appears that there are many Catholic schools suffering from this at present. Surely if advertised and managed properly you could change the way things are.

Mark 10 V13
13 The Little Children and Jesus
People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." 16 And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.
