Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Something else to ponder...

When all this started to happen in St Vincents, many of us began to suspect that Mrs Cleugh had done this before. Little did we imagine though, how very closely our experience was mirrored in Hillingdon.
Had St Marys in Hillingdon not been in a neighbouring borough we may never have discovered this. We are so glad that we met them and have their support. There is great fellowship to be found amongst those who have 'been there' and know exactly what we are struggling with. They are a great bunch of people who watched with dismay as their own community was riven in the same way as ours. They tried everything and got nowhere. Now they are putting their hand to our plough, we are encouraged by that, and we thank them for it.

This comment came in today from them. It deserves a wider reading, and I am aware that when there are a number of comments, some can get lost in the pile. For this reason, as have said before, from time to time we will highlight noteworthy comments in the main post.

From ex-staff, families and friends of St Mary’s Uxbridge
To our brothers and sisters of the St Vincent’s community

Please accept our sincere and deepest sympathy on the tragic circumstances that you now find yourselves in:


•gospel values are no longer promoted
•unhappiness, fear and distrust pervades
•there is a web of lies and threats
•pupils, parents, staff and governors continue to leave
•relationships within the parish community are being destroyed
•governors are weak and ineffective
•staff who remain “loyal” are being offered “enhancements”
•there are concerns re provision for special educational needs
•there are concerns re financial practices
•the Diocese refuses to listen
•meetings and surveys are held to placate people
•there is retribution for anyone who “disagrees or asks questions”


We suffered the same at St Mary’s. Some will never recover from the treatment they received at the hands of Mrs Cleugh.
We have spoken with members of St Joseph’s community in the Wirral, who to a lesser but significant degree endured a similar regime during Mrs Cleugh’s first Headship.


Why is no-one listening? Is there a cover-up?
We want to know!
Another question and a more serious one:
Will St Vincent’s ever recover – we’re not sure if St Mary’s ever did?

July 10, 2007 10:02 AM

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